Heartfelt Hedgehogs

Babies are available!

**Babies Available!**
**We can arrange to meet in Fort Ashby, WV  just about any day!** 

A big thank you to Rachel Wagner for sharing this video that she took of our babies with a customer while she picked up her little one July 2010.

5 weeks old baby (2010)
5 weeks old baby (2010)

Heartfelt Hedgehogs is located near Fort Ashby, WV.  We were the first USDA Licensed Hedgehog Breeder in West Virginia and strive for quality, not quantity.
Our hedgehogs are docile in nature and sociable (considering the average hedgehog's temperament). Each of our hedgies are handled daily. They are socialized with our other pets and are very curious in nature.


 All of our hedgehogs are pedigreed, pedigrees will be available only with hedgehogs purchased as breeding stock. 

Heartfelt Hedgehogs is currently a member of or liscenced by:

The International Hedgehog Association




Heartfelt Hedgehogs (and our Adult Breeding Stock) is registered with:

The International Hedgehog Registry


Use this map as a reference to our approximate location. An exact address for pickup will be provided after a deposit is made or by contacting us.